"The Young Isambard series is a great source of conversation starters. History, science, characters - it's got it all..."
I am delighted to find that my book has really hit the mark with teachers looking for a great story that gives so many opportunities to engage kids across the curriculum.
The series starts in 1820s London, so there are lots of references to the people, places and pungent aromas of the day.
If you need something to get kids interested in STEM topics, look no further than Isambard Kingdom Brunel - he was the king of Bridges, Steam Trains and Tunnels. Even as a youngster he was plotting and planning, and the Young Isambard series is full of the inventions that he (might have!) made.
Characters and story
As well as being hugely educational (see above) the Young Isambard series is also a cracking read. Isambard takes on his quest with close friends Millie and William, working for the fierce Officer Ruthven and British Government. Light releif comes from the magical Candlewick sisters, whilst dread and fear are provided by Napoleon Bonaparte himself. And they are all supported by a range of quirky side-characters and a thumping good plot.
School visits
I love to do school visits so please get in touch using the form below if you'd like to make an enquiry